A form of 'spiritual' mentoring based on the Law of Attraction and the Law of Cause and Effect. Start with a 90 mins session for $80 then subsequent sessions for $60 for 60mins. Find out the basic understanding of where issues evolved from, whether this life or another. And because the Quantum field states that we 'Create Reality' what if we were to realise why we do that, and how to 'shift the perspective of that' so that 'healing' can take place more profoundly. Why do we attract what we attract into our lives and how can we 'view' it all differently to begin to find our true self. What does ‘understanding the bigger picture’ mean? Get to realise that the ‘law of cause and effect’ and the ‘law of attraction’ usually work together – learn how to be ‘awake’ in your own life and what you can do when these ‘laws’ are working against you?
Hi Erika. Oh my! Lots happening for me this week! I am buzzing all over like I've been plugged in to an electricity socket 🤣 lol
I have started writing stuff down and will share with you at our next session but oh my word... it feels like I have stepped right into another energy level/dimension and I LOVE IT!!
Thankyou thankyou for your gems to me this week... guiding my higher mind to say 'Stop it!' to my monkey-mind is working a treat!! And I feel so much more flow and connection and balance between mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of myself. It's a beautiful feeling, very peaceful and calm and strong. 🙏
Have a beaut day Erika!!💖
Karen xo
Inbox me for more details or make an appointment and I can come to you or online through messenger, skype or zoom
Hi Erika. Oh my! Lots happening for me this week! I am buzzing all over like I've been plugged in to an electricity socket 🤣 lol
I have started writing stuff down and will share with you at our next session but oh my word... it feels like I have stepped right into another energy level/dimension and I LOVE IT!!
Thankyou thankyou for your gems to me this week... guiding my higher mind to say 'Stop it!' to my monkey-mind is working a treat!! And I feel so much more flow and connection and balance between mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of myself. It's a beautiful feeling, very peaceful and calm and strong. 🙏
Have a beaut day Erika!!💖
Karen xo
Inbox me for more details or make an appointment and I can come to you or online through messenger, skype or zoom